Hi. I’m in a pretty good mood today, not sure why but who cares. Actually who knows if Ill even be able to post this. The internet is supposed to be sucky at the moment due to a cut fiber somewhere between J-bad and Tarin Kwot?sp? We’ll see. I recently found out that Pandora works over here which was kinda surprising, I thought there might be licenseing issues with playing it here in Afghanistan, guess not. It isn’t the best quality and sometimes it is choppy but ehh, it seems to ok enough. Bandwidth shouldn’t be to big a problem, people skype here, that is a lot more bandwidth. I haven’t even though I got everything set up to do it. I guess I probably should sometime.
This week was busyish, just seems to be a lot of little things going on at the moment. Enough to keep me busy but nothing big. So I guess that’s ok. I think I’m going to be pretty busy for the next few days so that should be good, help the time pass a little faster.
We’re about to get a new boss here too, by we I mean C^3 as a whole. Trading in the old two star for a new one. So this place has been a little crazy due to that, not that I’m really involved in that but I do imagine there will be some changes in the near future because of it.
I guess part of the reason that things have been better recently is that I’ve finally started to feel like part of the group. The new MAJ that I sit next to is awesome, he and I get along really well and he knows another MAJ who is also pretty cool. Of course we’re pretty much always busting on each other but it is fun and it helps keep things interesting. I think the COL finds it pretty funny cause whenever we are in the office busting on each other and I look over at him he has this big smile on his face but he never says anything or chimes in. I guess we’re cheap entertainment.
It’s fall now in case you weren’t paying attention. I really only bring this up cause I was still kind of in the June mode and then it started getting a little chilly. Actually the real downside is that it is getting dark way to early. We’re going to really have to start eating earlier and earlier at dinner if we want to continue eating outside. I didn’t think I would have to use any of the cold weather gear that they gave me when I came over here but it seems like I just might if it gets any colder. Other than that we’ve had some amazing days out here. The weather here is pretty nice, very similar to Los Alamos as far as I can tell. Nothing like home has been. I’m going to miss the endless sunny days when I go home.
They canceled the bazaar last weekend, which stunk cause I actually was going to buy some stuff. Maybe I’ll get a chance to this weekend, we’ll see. I don’t have a whole ton of chances left.
Ehh I don’t really have a whole lot to talk about tonight I guess, haven’t really done anything interesting sorry. Maybe next week I’ll have some interesting to talk about so stay tuned!